
Although ESC does not place you in an internship, you do have the opportunity to do an internship.  Internships need to make sense given your plans for your degree; talk with your mentor about possibilities.  These are the general expectations for internships:

  • You make the internship connection yourself and talk with your mentor about how the internship fits into your goals and studies for your degree.  As with an independent study, your mentor will help find an ESC faculty person with whom you will develop a learning contract for the internship. 
  • 1 credit = 40 hours of internship work plus any additional reading, writing, and discussion that you and the faculty person determine appropriate.  Additional work often involves maintaining a journal throughout the internship, discussing issues with the faculty person, and choosing to research and write in more depth about an issue or concept that emerges during the internship.
  • The on-site internship supervisor is expected to verify your time commitment and comment on the type and quality of the work you completed.
  • The faculty person you're working with will do your final evaluation and grade, based on both the internship supervisor's report and your academic work.