Skills Expected of Professionals

Your Job Skills Portfolio: Giving You an Edge in the Marketplace - offers information and links about creating a portfolio to showcase your skills.
Selling your Liberal Arts Degree to Employers - a comprehensive article from Indiana University detailing the value of a liberal arts education in terms of employment skills. 
10 Transferable Skills you learned during your College Education - one person's brief overview 
It Takes More than a Major: Employer Priorities for College Learning & Student Success
Essential Workplace Skills for College Grads - a short but useful article on
The Challenge of a Liberal Education: Past, Present, and Future - an interesting address that deals with the vocational purpose of higher education, how students need to know themselves and their own goals in order to pursue a vocation, and how colleges can help students in their self-pursuits and vocational pursuits. 

Core Abilities, a project of the Wisconsin Instructional Design System, lists skills and compentencies that employers want. See how many employment skills correlate with academic skills as you review this document.