Guidelines & Educational Expectations

The essay discussion of how you're addressing ESC Area of Study Guidelines and other educational expectations is one of the most important in the rationale, as it presents your evidence, backed up by research, to show that your individually-designed degree is academically valid.

Make sure to include the following information to fully address educational expectations in the rationale essay:

  • name of your area of study and concentration (if you have a degree with a concentration)
  • summary or paraphrase of the appropriate Empire State College Area of Study guideline (a condensed version, in your own words) to show that you understand the college's general academic expectations for your type of degree
  • explanation of how you've chosen to address appropriate ESC guidelines (e.g., It's not enough to say "I've addressed guidelines." You'll need to give examples and evidence to show how you've addressed them.).
  • explanation of how you've addressed SUNY General Education Requirements
  • summary of your research into other colleges, as appropriate, if you needed to look at multiple programs to get a better sense of how to structure your own

Above all, think of this section as your logical argument for the validity of your degree choices. Provide enough specific evidence so that your readers (members of an Assessment Committee) will be convinced that you've 1) done your research, 2) understood your research, and 3) addressed Empire State College and general academic expectations thoughtfully and thoroughly.