Jacqueline Macak's Journal /
Week 9

The blog I chose isĀ http://sportsnmedicine.blogspot.com/. This blog has so many interesting links, pictures, and information. The site is very easy to get around and easy to read. You can look at all types of injuries and sports that have specific injuries known to occur often during them. I want to make my page easily navigable for anyone to look at anything they want to. I would like to add more pictures of educational things that I am learning about rather than pictures of my life as well as links to any type of health care information. I am a health care management major so it would help myself as well as other health care majors have links readily available when we need them. I am going to try and make it so that all links are big and I can add descriptions under them so that whoever wants to look at them knows exactly what they are opening before they get into it. I hope it all works out.