About the Videos

On this page are some videos to introduce you to different aspects of Mahara. 

  • "Staring Mahara" mostly covers the Mahara dashboard. 
  • In "ESC Mahara Profile Page," you will learn how to add a profile picture and edit your profile page.
  • The "ESC Mahara Journal" covers how to create a journal, add an entry, publish the journal on a Mahara page and share it.
  • "Creating a Page in Mahara" shows how to create a portfolio page and publish it.
  • "Sharing a Page" is important, because all pages you create are private to you until you share them in some way with others.
  • "Groups in Mahara" will discuss how to join and participate in groups.
  • "Social Networking in Mahara" shows how to find friends, request friendship and provide feedback on friends' pages.