Collection: Learning through ePortfolios

Research on Portfolios and Learning


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This page contains links to research articles and videos that focus on how reflection and other processes fostered by ePortfolios contribute to learning.  Please explore!

Authentic Learning for the 21st Century

Here is the abstract for this article by Marilyn Lombardi  about authentic learning for the 21st century:

Learning-by-doing is generally considered the most effective way to learn. The Internet and a variety of emerging communication, visualization, and simulation technologies now make it possible to offer students authentic learning experiences ranging from experimentation to real-world problem solving. This white paper explores what constitutes authentic learning, how technology supports it, what makes it effective, and why it is important.


ePortfolios as Digital Stories of Deep Learning

ePortfolios and Assessment

Nicole Buzetto-More's article, "Assessing the Efficacy and Effectiveness of the ePortfolio Used for Summative Assessment" relates impressive results regarding the use of ePortolios helping students better understnd learning goals and reflect on their learning.


Reflective Writing

Effective Practices with ePortfolios

The sections on "Investigating ePortfolios: A Learner's Perspective" (pp 10-15) and "Investigating ePortfolios: A Lifelong Learning Perspective." (pp 28-33) provide case studies showng the benefits of ePortfolios for academic learning and professional development.


Journal Writing as Adult Learning Tool

 Sandra Kerka provides research supporting the effectiveness of journal writing to improve and deepen learning. She also gives some guiding principles for using journals.
