Collection: Investigating Goals, Skills, Professions



Goals Introduction

Identifying your goals can help you plan your degree.  Why do you want to get a degree? What are you interested in learning? What do you hope to accomplish? What do you think you need to learn to achieve your goals?  What steps can you take toward achieving your goals?  If you can seriously consider and answer questions about goals, you can translate that information into some concrete course choices.


Tools for Identifying Goals

The following tools may be useful in helping you to identify and state your goals:


The Edupunk's Guide

You can access this text for free in a number of ways at

There's good information on goals in these sections:

  • pages 9 - 12 - How to Write a Personal Learning Plan
  • pages 21-22 - What do you like? What do you want to be? Where do you want to go?

Some Goals Questions


  • Why do you want to pursue a degree?
  • What type of degree (associate, bachelor) do you want to pursue?

Personal Goals

  • How do you intend to use your degree?
  • What knowledge, qualities, or characteristics do you hope to develop through your studies?

Academic Goals

  • Do you want to strengthen any academic skills? (e.g., writing, math, research)
  • What do you want to learn about in your degree?

Professional Goals

  • Where would you like to be professionally in five or ten years?
  • Are there studies that you can include in your degree to help you to reach your professional goals?

Terri's Interview

Goal Setting Worksheet

Understanding Goals


How do your Goals Relate to College Goals?
