Understanding Goals
- "A Theory of Goal Setting by Locke and Latham" provides a very brief summary of standard goal theory, plus related links. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/theory-goal-setting-locke-latham-1879.html
- "New Directions in Goal-Setting Theory," an article in Current Directions in Psychological Science, provides an overview of goal theory and can provide some interesting concepts to consider, especially in the section on "Learning Goals." This is an article in an academic journal. http://home.ubalt.edu/tmitch/642/Articles%20syllabus/Locke%20et%20al%20New%20dir%20goal%20setting%2006.pdf
- "Goal Setting" provides an overview of different types of goals and the importance of goal-setting in education http://www.education.com/reference/article/goal-setting/