Publishing Your Journal

Now that you have your journal, you need to publish it. Follow these steps.

Step 1: Click on the Portfolio tab from the menu bar at the top right hand corner.  Then,  click on "Create Page." You should then see a page similar to Image 6.

Step 2: Title your page and save. You will then be brought to this page (Image 7) and will automatically be in edit mode.

Step 3: Click on the Journal tab. You should see Image 8. Then, click and hold the first icon (full journal) and drag and drop it down to your page. You will get a configure box.  Select your journal. One option is how many entries to show on the page. I recommend 2 entries per page. (Other entries will be viewable by clicking on an arrow- this will prevent your page from getting too long.) Save.

Step 4: You can click on "Share Page" if you wish, but I recommend creating a secret url to share, if you are submitting as an assignment for class.  (Note: if for class, you ned to create a secret url)  To do this, first click "Done" at the bottom.  This will bring you back to the daskboard.  Then, click on portfolio and then "shared by me". Clcik on the "secret url" button, get a secret url and copy this link.  Share this link with whomever you want to see your page.

After you have published your page, you can return to this page to add new entries to your journal.  You can also add to your journal through the content area.

You'll be asked to submit this new page for review as an assignment in Module 1.